Casa > Q > Quando Você Deve Usar O Shopify Sobre O Wordpress?

Quando você deve usar o Shopify sobre o WordPress?


Shopify E WordPress ambos são plataformas robustas para a construção de websites. Ambas as plataformas ajudam a criar um site bonito.

Aqui, eu gostaria de sugerir alguns prós e contras úteis de ambas as plataformas que ajudam a escolher a adequada para o seu site de negócios online.

Shopify - All-In-One Platform

Esta plataforma robusta e confiável torna todos os processos de eCommerce, incluindo a gestão de inventário e aceitação de pagamentos fácil. Você pode gerenciar seu negócio online a partir de uma única plataforma sem se preocupar com hospedagem web, caching e segurança do site, pois a plataforma cuida desses aspectos. However, this platform is a bit costly as compared to other open-source eCommerce platforms.

Shopify- Pros & Cons


  • There is no need to use any code to build an attractive online store.
  • Shopify offers web hosting and security.
  • You can get 24/7 support from Shopify developers to resolve your issues.
  • Shopify enables you to sell products on other channels including Amazon, eBay, and Facebook.


  • It is the only platform that asks for a transaction fee (except its gateway Shopify Payments)
  • Shopify apps are costlier than the same for other platforms.

WordPress With WooCommerce

WooCommerce – Pros & Cons


  • Through coding, developers can customize your store anytime.
  • WooCommerce online store is highly scalable with the utmost flexibility for changes.
  • As an open-source platform, it offers excellent value for money.


At least some coding knowledge is necessary to build a WooCommerce store from scratch.

If you want to read the detailed information, you can check the comment section.

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