Casa > H > How To Hide A Url In Chrome

How to hide a URL in Chrome

The Address Bar of Chrome is useless in a Chrome App and I was wondering if there was a way to disable it.

There are two ways to hide a URL.

Let's talk about the first method:

#1. you can run chrome in command prompt to hide URL.

for Windows Perform following code.

Chrome.exe --app=Google

for Mac users

/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --app=Google

for Linux Users

google-chrome --app=Google

Now let's talk about the Second Method

#2. By pressing on the F11 key of windows on your keyboard, if you use Windows PC, or Cmd+Shift+F if you use a Mac.

And hide the URL.

But the easy way I perform is #2 Method.

And Also there is One Another method is.

Visit the site you want in Chrome. Click the Chrome menu in your browser toolbar.

  • Select "More Tools" > "Create shortcut…"
  • Check "Open as window", press "Add"

MAC: CMD+Control+F vai em tela cheia, e CMD+Shift+F esconde a barra de navegação

WINDOWS: F11 (possivelmente Alt+Enter também, como em muitos jogos como Dota)

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