Alguém enfrenta problemas de tensão ocular no Pixel 4A? O meu Pixel 4A dá-me muito mais tensão ocular.
Isso é porque você não tem uma "tela" apropriada neles!p> As tensões oculares são geralmente causadas devido à luz azul emitida pelos smartphones, laptops ou computadores que têm um comprimento de onda curto e penetram mais profundamente nos olhos causando danos à retina.
Sabemos que se bloquearmos essas telas então certamente teremos olhos seguros. So using these zero eye strain screens are gonna help in reducing all eye complications like dry eyes and red eye syndromes.
These screens are also called as ALCS (Advanced Light Control Screens) as they have blue light blocking filters and also because they will keep our eyes cool even after watching the screens for long time.
They also have some cool features like:
- They are super smooth screens.
- They have break protectors.
- They have 5D edge to edge finish.
- They are installed easily without creating any bubbles.
- Lastly they keep our eyes cool.
They are expensive on Amazon, but cheaper on their Stillersafe website.
Hope this helps :)
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