Casa > C > Como Funciona O Aplicativo Screen Recorder No Android?

Como funciona o aplicativo screen recorder no Android?

O aplicativo gravador Android usa duas classes:-

i). MediaRecorder

ii). MediaPlayer

Android tem um microfone embutido através do qual você pode capturar o áudio e armazená-lo, ou tocá-lo no seu telefone. Há muitas maneiras de fazer isso, mas a mais comum é através da classe MediaRecorder.

Android fornece a classe MediaRecorder para gravar áudio ou vídeo. Para usar a classe MediaRecorder, você primeiro irá criar uma instância da classe MediaRecorder. Its syntax is given below.

  1. MediaRecorder myAudioRecorder = new MediaRecorder(); 

Now you will set the source , output and encoding format and output file. Their syntax is given below.

  1. myAudioRecorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); 
  2. myAudioRecorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); 
  3. myAudioRecorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.AMR_NB); 
  4. myAudioRecorder.setOutputFile(outputFile); 

After specifying the audio source and format and its output file, we can then call the two basic methods prepare and start to start recording the audio.

  1. myAudioRecorder.prepare(); 
  2. myAudioRecorder.start();  

So if you also want to implement and create an app for such you can go through this link:-

Android Audio Capture Tutorial

Also in order to learn more about media recorder app search for there tutorials.

Also would like to get into your notice that to build a media recorder app is very easy and simple.

<- Piece Of Advice->

Try to develop a very beautiful UI/UX for the same. It will give a good kickstart to your app.

Hope, you would have liked this information and also you develop your app quickly.

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