Casa > Q > Quais São As Linhas Visuais Não-Oficiais No K-Pop?

Quais são as linhas visuais não-oficiais no K-pop?

edits: apenas as actualizei para ot23

visuais não oficiais são apenas ídolos que não seguram a posição visual, mas ainda assim são especialmente bonitos/pretensiosos e segurariam bem a posição.

i>i usará o nct como exemplo por três razões principais

  1. sempre têm 23 membros (quase o quádruplo dos membros do seu grupo médio de 7 pessoas) eles não têm buraco visual e são todos bastante atraentesli>eles também têm alguns dos visuais masculinos mais populares, sendo taeyong, jaehyun, e lucas (mais outros)li>eles são o meu ult grupo e eu gosto de falar sobre eles já que é o grupo com o qual eu sou mais conhecedor.

i'll include their official visuals plus unofficial visuals that are my favorite and why they all fit beauty standards

nct dream




nct 127


shotaro & sungchan (not in a unit yet)


official visuals:


top three i mentioned earlier *plus jungwoo and doyoung haha


main-qimg-5b8408f0addbbcd1cc6f56a8cd174131-mzj main-qimg-f303d86f961741d95a2fa572e827c2ca-mzj
  • jawline
  • large eyes
  • double eyelids
  • straight eyebrows
  • anime like visuals
  • small face
  • small waist
  • broad shoulders - 58.6cm


main-qimg-8212ff6d1a36d13447d14ef7c290d249-mzj main-qimg-8606b38ed64fb35c7fe62109356e7074-mzj
  • light “tteok” skin (tteok - rice cake)
  • muscular/athletic body
  • broad shoulders - 56cm
  • tall - 180cm
  • double eyelids
  • soft masculinity
  • standard visual type
  • plump but not big lips


main-qimg-eeb7c352242a992b99caf8155f77ad33-mzj main-qimg-82b4c5c8bda68225b9acf1c97cb3f8f2-mzj
  • *not officially a visual but is treated as such with center & fotg position as well as by sm themselves*
    • edit: i think he has been made an official visual now, correct my if i’m wrong
  • tall - 183cm
  • muscular/athletic body
  • long legs
  • large & round eyes
  • double eyelids
  • jawline
    • v shaped jaw is seen as ideal but his is sort of the middle between v shaped and L shaped
  • high nose
  • full lips
  • straight eyebrows
  • broad shoulders - no measurements available


main-qimg-006e6de5504b9fb690ba79c1fe728fac-mzj main-qimg-e2cbf09c7c1a81d50272b97797871ed7-mzj
  • large & round eyes
  • double eyelids
  • jawline
    • between a V and L shape like lucas
  • muscular/athletic body
  • broad shoulders - no measurements availability
  • small face
  • soft masculinity
  • another standard visual type


main-qimg-344f2fadfaff94e4f1386a9eeaffa22a-mzj main-qimg-9d01e22b1f900e9a2094e31b26911358-mzj
  • double eyelids
  • full lips
  • small face
  • jawline
  • high nose
  • soft masculinity
  • tall - 179-182cm (his wayv profile estimates 179, but his nct 127, nct, and nct u profile all day 182cm)


main-qimg-db09df321852398318364a6eef6597c7-mzj main-qimg-de7e8542493ddbe0a00034c1adb85ed6-mzj
  • double eyelids
  • eye smile
  • muscular/athletic body
  • long legs
  • small waist
  • straight eyebrows
  • broad shoulders - no measurements available
  • light skin
  • v shaped jaw


main-qimg-f8168dfb42be0e2fceb30c286686cad3-mzj main-qimg-95b3b3ecaf5cfb2d7cbac6c89eda45ce-mzj
  • double eyelids
  • big eyes
  • V/Lshaped jaw
  • light skin
  • soft masculinity

my favorite unofficial visuals


main-qimg-5a3f1450be1cc0e39c9663f70fccaaa1-mzj main-qimg-8e906167ccac3f14647c2fabd81cc23a-mzj
  • v shaped jaw
  • double eyelids
  • big eyes
  • soft masculinity
  • light skin
  • small face
  • anime like visuals (to me at least)


main-qimg-b2fce80c570514034da6d8365ec6ce71-mzj main-qimg-1f0aabb1d776a1c07006df73f311217f-mzj
  • double eyelids
  • muscular/athletic body
  • straight eyebrows
  • soft masculinity
  • standard visual type


main-qimg-d95188131d4d47bf25b1eed96809937f-mzj main-qimg-53a78b44af65c87e57dae80a6f4611b0-mzj
  • double eyelids
  • big & round eyes
  • full lips
  • tall - 180cm
  • straight eyebrows
  • soft masculinity
  • standard visual type


main-qimg-d8fc92f3b7a9c1d25ef53d86715190cc-mzj main-qimg-f2c11b255947b15742906865b4f3e804-mzj
  • muscular/athletic body
  • double eyelids
  • big eyes
  • straight eyebrows
  • full lips
  • anime like visuals


main-qimg-6908aa97d2b18cd5328e34a8befe9f26-mzj main-qimg-fbd73ead3e581225f961f49612a0822e-mzj
  • v shaped jaw
  • double eyelids
  • small waist
  • overall very complementary features


main-qimg-9e1b59a64d87eb26d767c82e94e4d769-mzj main-qimg-dce058c3813a105e8390482ea5871d95-mzj
  • double eyelids
  • tall (~184cm? he said he’s taller than lucas but shorter than johnny)
  • straight brows
  • fairly full lips
  • v jaw
  • soft masculinity/standard visual type
  • and it’s my guess that sungchan will become an official visual when he debuts in a new unit (but who knows with sm)

anyways, you can be the judge of whoever you deem an unofficial visual or not, looks are subjective :)

De Kamp

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