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Are DC Universe shows connected?

The Crisis on Infinite Earths established the following shows and movies exist in the same multiverse. After the multiversal reboot, here’s where we stand:

Earth-0: Arrow, Flash, Supergirl. Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, Constantine (live action retroactively added), Vixen (web series)

Earth-2: Stargirl

Earth-9: Titans

Earth-X: Freedom Fighters: The Ray (animated Arrowverse)

Earth-12: Green Lantern (live action film)

Earth-19: Swamp Thing (DC Streaming version)

Earth-21: Doom Patrol

Earth-66: Batman (60s live action TV)

Earth-76: Wonder Woman (70s live action)

Earth-89: Batman (80s live action movies)

Earth-90: Flash (90s live action TV series)

Earth-96: Superman Returns.

Earth-167: Smallville

Earth-203: Birds of Prey (live action series)

Earth-666: Lucifer

Earth-???: DC Extended Universe (Man of Steel. Batman V Superman, Liga da Justiça, Mulher Maravilha, Aquaman, Shazam) Ezra Miller's Flash apareceu em Crisis. No entanto, Barry Allen de Erza apareceu na Speed Force que, para citar Barry de Grant, era "impossível". Pode ser que a Força Veloz ligue diferentes multiverses. Como a HQ Crisis on Infinite Earths destruiu um multiverso diferente (sem mencionar que Guerras Secretas destruiu um Multiverso Maravilhoso), deve haver diferentes multiverses.

As para os outros filmes e programas DC (ação ao vivo e animados), não sabemos se eles se conectam ou não com o Multiverso Seta ou não, ou com os multiverses da HQ.

De Ola Cheroki

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