Casa > W > What Are Some Examples Of Talents?

What are some examples of talents?


  1. Ability to deal with Failure
  2. Ability to focus
  3. Ability to handle Change
  4. Ability to make Friends
  5. Ability to spot new Trends
  6. Academics
  7. Accounting
  8. Adaptability
  9. Advertising
  10. Affiliate systems
  11. Analyzing the past
  12. Art
  13. Articulate
  14. Asking Questions
  15. Athleticism
  16. Awareness
  17. Bookkeeping
  18. Brainstorming
  19. Communication Skills
  20. Computer Literacy
  21. Computers / IT
  22. Conflict Resolution
  23. Creativity
  24. Critical Thinking
  25. Decision Making
  26. Detail Orientation
  27. Dexterity
  28. Drawing
  29. Empathy
  30. Encouraging
  31. Enthusiasm
  32. Fairness
  33. Financial Management
  34. Financial Planning
  35. Foreign Language
  36. Future Thinking
  37. Futuristic
  38. Graphics
  39. Guerrilla Marketing
  40. Health / Fitness
  41. High Energy
  42. Hiring / Recruiting
  43. Human Resources
  44. Identify Strengths and Weaknesses
  45. Imagination
  46. Imaginative
  47. Initiative
  48. Innovation
  49. Inspiring
  50. Integrity / Honesty
  51. Intuition
  52. Inventiveness
  53. Jokes / Humor
  54. Juggling
  55. Leadership
  56. Learner
  57. Legal
  58. Listening
  59. Logistics
  60. Magic
  61. Maintenance / Routine Tasks
  62. Making Connections
  63. Marketing
  64. Math
  65. Meeting Management
  66. Money Management
  67. Music
  68. Negotiating Skills
  69. Networking (in the virtual world)
  70. Networking (person to person)
  71. People Judgment
  72. Personal Productivity
  73. Persuasive
  74. Photography
  75. Planning
  76. Polyglot (learn/know a many languages)
  77. Positiveness
  78. Problem Solving
  79. Programming
  80. Project Management
  81. Public Speaking
  82. Raise Money
  83. Reading
  84. Relaxation
  85. Reliability
  86. Relieve Stress
  87. Research
  88. Risk Management
  89. Sales
  90. Self Control
  91. Self Management
  92. Self-Assurance
  93. Self-Discipline
  94. SEO
  95. Sign Language
  96. Singing
  97. Social Intelligence
  98. Social Networking
  99. Software
  100. Story Telling
  101. Strategic Planning
  102. Systems management
  103. Taxes
  104. Teaching / Training
  105. Time Management
  106. Trouble-shooter
  107. Typing
  108. Video Creation
  109. Visualization
  110. Volunteering
  111. Website
  112. Wisdom
  113. Woodworking
  114. Writing

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