Casa > H > How To Generate A Random Number In Java Between 1 And 10

How to generate a random number in Java between 1 and 10

There are many ways to generate a random number in Java.

  1. import java.util.Random; 
  3. public class GenerateRandomNumbers { 
  5. public static double getRandomDouble(int min, int max) 
  6. double x = Math.random();// generates number >=0 and <1 
  7. return min + x*(max-min + 1); 
  10. public static double generateRandomDouble(int min, int max) 
  11. Random r = new Random(); 
  12. return min + r.nextDouble()*(max-min + 1); 
  14. //Only in Java 8 
  15. public static int getRandomNumberInts(int min, int max){ 
  16. Random r = new Random(); 
  17. return r.ints(min,(max+1)).findFirst().getAsInt(); 
  18. //gets the first ints among a stream of random numbers within the specified range 
  20. //Only in Java 8 
  21. public static double getRandomNumberDoubles(int min, int max){ 
  22. Random r = new Random(); 
  23. return r.doubles(min,(max+1)).findFirst().getAsDouble(); 
  24. //gets the first doubles among a stream of random numbers within the specified range 
  26. public static void main(String[] args) { 
  28. int min = 1, max = 10; 
  29. System.out.println("Random numbers"); 
  30. System.out.println("With math.random() : " + getRandomDouble(min, max)); 
  31. System.out.println("With Random class : " + generateRandomDouble(min, max)); 
  32. System.out.println("With Random ints() : " + getRandomNumberInts(min, max)); 
  33. System.out.println("With Random doubles() : " + getRandomNumberDoubles(min, max)); 


Random numbers

With math.random() : 5.488504869793829

With Random class : 5.057141318293521

With Random ints() : 9

With Random doubles() : 9.899763215404915

Source: Random Number Generation in Java - DZone Java

One interesting thing to note is that these only generate pseudo-random numbers. There has been attempts to generate truly random numbers.

This website generates random numbers based on atmospheric noise. True Random Number Service

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