Casa > I > If A Whatsapp Contact's Picture Isn't Showing Now, But Used To Show Before, Does That Mean He Blocked Or Deleted My Number?

If a WhatsApp contact's picture isn't showing now, but used to show before, does that mean he blocked or deleted my number?

If you are not able to see profile picture then there will be many possibilities

  1. Profile picture is removed.
  2. Profile picture privacy may set to My Contacts/Nobody.
  3. Your number has been deleted

Steps To Confirm Block Or Not

There are a couple of signs that can confirm you have been blocked. If you get all the indications given below then sure you have been blocked. WhatsApp has focused on users’ privacy so they don’t display the list or method from which we can tell you have been blocked by someone.

  1. Last Seen
  2. Display Profile Or Profile Picture
  3. SIngle Tick
  4. WhatsApp Call
  5. About Section
  6. WhatsApp Status
  7. WhatsApp Group
  8. Message From Other Number

What Happens When We Block Someone On WhatsApp

The person will not able to send the message. If He or She will try to send the message the message will send but we did not receive that message.

  1. He or She not able to see our Profile Picture(DP).
  2. He or She not able to see our Last Seen.
  3. He or She not able to call us on WhatsApp.
  4. He or She not able to video call us on WhatsApp.
  5. He or She not able to see our About.
  6. He or She not able to see our WhatsApp Status.
  7. He or She not able to see Read Receipts.

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