Casa > W > What Are The Best Slogans For Energy Conservation?

What are the best slogans for energy conservation?

Be polite. Turn off the light.

Conservation, not Deprivation.

Conservation: It doesn’t cost. It saves.

Conserve to Preserve.
Do the Earth a favor. Be a power saver.

Do what’s right. Turn off the light.
Don’t be Fuelish!

Earth: Cherish or perish.

Energy earns or simply burns, choice is yours.
Energy misused cannot be excused.

Energy saved is energy produced.
Energy saved today is asset for future.

Energy serves you the way you deserve.

Flip It Off.
For a better tomorrow, save energy today.

For your better tomorrow, save energy.

If It’s Not In Use, Turn off the Juice!
Leaks make your future bleak.

Let’s Cut Carbs…Our Carbon footprint, that is.
Live Green. Save Green.

Love your mother – Earth.
Pull the plug and you’ll feel smug.

Save energy save life.

Save Energy. Save Money. Save the Planet.

Save on energy and money, just snuggle up to your honey.

Save one unit a day, keep power cut away.

Save today enjoy tomorrow; waste today cry tomorrow.

Save Today. Survive Tomorrow.

Saving energy today for a brighter tomorrow.

The less you burn, the more you earn.

Turn off the light when outside it’s bright.

Turn off the lights, wasting electricity bites.

Waste Not. Wanna Lot.

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