Casa > Q > Que Ator Tem Desempenhado O Papel Do Presidente Dos Eua Na Maioria Dos Filmes?

Que ator tem desempenhado o papel do presidente dos EUA na maioria dos filmes?

"Que ator desempenhou o papel do presidente dos EUA na maioria dos filmes?"

Vou concordar com as outras respostas (Ronny Cox! que sabia) e apenas adicionar algumas das mais obscuras:

Este cara:


played George Washington três vezes.

Alexander Hamilton (1931)

The Phantom President (1932)

Where Do We Go From Here? (1945)

Charles Middleton


Played Ming The Merciless (presidente de um planeta) em Flash Gordon (1936)

p>Mas ele também tocou James Buchanan três vezes.

The Phantom President (1932)

The Road Is Open Again (1933)

The Man Without A Country (1937)

Joseph Crehan


played Ulysses S. Grant 4 vezes.

Union Pacific (1939) (though Grant was still a general)

They Died With Their Boots On (1941)

The Adventures Of Mark Twain (1944)

San Antone (1953)

Roy “we’re gonna need a bigger boat.” Scheider (!)


Had roles as three different fictional presidents in three different movies.

President Carlson Executive Target (1997)

President Robert Baker The Peacekeeper (1997),

President Jack Cahill Chain of Command (2000).

Hal Holbrook


Played a president 5 times.

Lincoln (1974) as Abraham Lincoln

Kidnapping Of The President (1980) as President Adam Scott

George Washington (1984) as John Adams

North & South (1985) as Abraham Lincoln

North & South Book 2 (1986) as Abraham Lincoln


Tocou JFK 4 vezes.

Assistentes (2009)

Transformadores:Dark Of The Moon (2011)

Kill The Dictator (AKA El Teniente Amado) (2013)

Parkland (2013)

Robin Williams


Tocou um presidente 5 vezes.

Homem do Ano (2006) como Presidente Tom Dobbs

Noite no Museu (2006) como Teddy Roosevelt

Noite no Museu: Batalha pelo Smithsonian (2009) como Teddy Roosevelt

Lee Daniels The Butler (2013) como Dwight D. Eisenhower

Noite no Museu: Secret Of The Tomb (2014) as Teddy Roosevelt

BUT Williams , não recebe o prémio por tocar Teddy a maioria das vezes, essa honra vai para Sidney Blackmer.


Blackmer tocou Teddy Roosevelt umas espantosas 6 vezes!

This Is My Affair (1937)

The Monroe Doctrine (1939)

Teddy, The Rough Rider (1940)

In Old Oklahoma (1943)

Buffalo Bill (1944)

My Girl Tisa (1948)

But the all time undefeated champion (so far) for playing a president the most times goes to: Iman Crosson


He has played President Barrack Obama 10 times!

Whatever You Like (T.I. spoof) (2008)

Single Ladies (Beyonce spoof) (2009)

Dead And Gone (T.I. spoof) (2009)

Blame It (Jamie Fox spoof) (2009)

Death Of Osama Bin Laden (2011)

Obama Style! (2012)

Epic Rap Battles Of History: Barack Obama VS Mitt Romney (2012)

Harlem Shake (Barack Obama Edition) (2013)

Confident (Justin Bieber spoof) (2014)

Back To Back (Drake spoof) (2015)

Crosson even got to meet his idol!


Iman Crosson - Wikipedia

Thanks for the A2A!

De Hasen

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