Casa > W > What Are Some Tips For Getting 4 Strikes In A Row In Bowling?

What are some tips for getting 4 strikes in a row in bowling?

Getting 4 strikes in a row is about execution.

If you have a line you know will work, you need to be able to hit that line and do the same things.

Lets look at John, John is trying to get 4 strikes in a row, but we need to see how consistent he is on each shot.

Shot 1 - Strike.

Ball passed over the 10′th board and broke at the 5 board.

RPM - 250.

Speed - 15.5 mph.

Shot 2 - Ringing 10 pin

Ball passed over the 8th board and broke at the 4th board.

Rpm - 259

Speed - 16.8mph

Shot 3 - 4 pin left.

Ball passed over the 12th board and broke at the 9th board.

RPM - 235

Speed - 14.3 mph.

Just looking at these 3 shots, we can see that John is having trouble repeating the same shot.

From Shot 1 to shot 2 he Missed his mark outside, but also throw it faster giving it less time to hook leaving him a 10 pin.

No tiro 3 ele falhou dentro da sua marca e deixou cair a velocidade, mas também deixou cair a sua taxa de rotação fazendo com que a sua bola se desviasse antes de engatar e deixar um 4 pinos.

Você precisa repetir o tiro #1 o mais próximo possível das próximas 3 vezes para conseguir 4 tacadas seguidas.

De Kirstyn

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