Casa > P > Porque É Que O Pubg Mobile Não Te Faz Jogar Contra Outras Pessoas Reais Em Vez De Apenas Um Bando De Robots?

Porque é que o PUBG mobile não te faz jogar contra outras pessoas reais em vez de apenas um bando de robots?

Você joga contra pessoas reais.


Image: PUBG Mobile - Esquadrões no nível 1 - Eu FUNDO BOTS, CONFIRMADO!

No entanto, há bots a preencher os slots em tempos de silêncio quando há menos pessoas.

Sabia-se que o jogo ganhava'nem sempre é possível encontrar 100 jogadores de cada vez para um jogo clássico. Assim, PUBG MOBILE é conhecido por usar bots nos seus jogos para preencher as 100 slots. Estes bots carregam nomes aleatórios semelhantes a jogadores humanos reais no jogo e oferecem uma jogabilidade bastante ocupada.

There are more bots

  • in the lower levels
  • Lower ranks
  • at the start of the season,
  • First few times on a server in a season
  • When playing with lower rank/level players

You can can tell bots and humans apart easily

(From personal observation)

  • Bots take little health from you and a long time to kill you. But are quick to die.
  • Bots only shoot you up close, within 100m, and you never see them coming from far away.
  • Bots aren't suppressed or using heavy snipers. They only use the Mini 14, AR and SMG. They don't use shotguns or pistols, even if you find them in their boxes after.
  • Bots often wear level one helmets
  • Bots often have random loot in their box, like only a Thompson and a 4x in the middle of the game
  • Bots don't hide. They run or they lay down. Then they stand up again.
  • Bots single fire or short burst. They don't shoot off a full mag.
  • Humans jump. Bots don't.
  • Often the best sign a bot is near is when you randomly hear the single *pop* of a Tommy bullet and you lose like 2/100th of your health.
  • A human will put you in the red almost instantly.
  • And final proof, if you turn on voice chat, you'll be able to hear/talk to real people.


Bots in PUBG MOBILE: How to identify them at first glance and what to do about them

Is PUBG Mobile full of bots?

Original Question: Why doesn't PUBG mobile have you playing against other real people instead of just a bunch of bots?

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