Casa > W > What Will Be The Answer Of (X+1) /2 + 2/(X+1) = (X+1) /3 + 3/(X+1) - 5/6?

What will be the answer of (x+1) /2 + 2/(x+1) = (x+1) /3 + 3/(x+1) - 5/6?

The answer is x=[0,-7].

Let [math]y=(x+1)[/math]


[math]\implies 6y\Big(\dfrac{y}{2}+\dfrac{2}{y}\Big)=6y\Big(\dfrac{y}{3}+\dfrac{3}{y}-\dfrac{5}{6}\Big)[/math]

[math]\implies 3y^2+12=2y^2+18-5y[/math]

[math]\implies y^2+5y-6=0[/math]

[math]\implies (y-1)(y+6)=0[/math]

[math]\boxed{y=1}\text{ or }\boxed{y=-6}[/math]

[math]\implies \boxed{\boxed{x+1=1}}\text{ or }\boxed{\boxed{x+1=-6}}[/math]

[math]\boxed{\boxed{\boxed{x=0,\text{ or }-7}}}[/math]


If x=0


[math]\implies \dfrac{1}{2}+2=\dfrac{1}{3}+3-\dfrac{5}{6}[/math]

[math]\implies 2+\dfrac{1}{2}=3+\dfrac{2-5}{6}[/math]

[math]\implies 2+\dfrac{1}{2}=3-\dfrac{1}{2}[/math]


If x=-7


[math]\implies -3-\dfrac{1}{3}=-2-\dfrac{1}{2}-\dfrac{5}{6}[/math]

[math]\implies -3-\dfrac{1}{3}-2+\dfrac{-3-5}{6}[/math]

[math]\implies -3-\dfrac{1}{3}-2-\dfrac{6}{6}-\dfrac{2}{6}[/math]

[math]\implies -3-\dfrac{1}{3}=-2-1-\dfrac{1}{3}[/math]


Thus verified, x=0, or -7.


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