What are good applications for collecting statistics on keyboard use?
Source: Application to gather mouse usage statistics:
1. Application Usage Statistics.
This application generates statistics on the usage of keyboard and mouse. It's freeware.

Mouse :
- Record mouse travel distance and number of mouse clicks
- Record mouse wheel scrolling
- Clicks per hour
- Mouse track map (draws the mouse cursor track)
- Drag track map (draws lines when mouse is down)
- Click map (draws a point at each click)
- Double click map (draws a point at each double-click)
- Active mouse time (total time when the mouse has been in use)
Keyboard :
- Record keyboard strokes
- Keystrokes per hour
- Key frequency
- Active keyboard time
Applications :
- Record time per application
- Report mouse and keyboard usage per application
Interruptions :
- Records interruptions (no mouse/keyboard activity for a given time)
- Interruptions per hour
Reports :
- Automatically stored as .txt and .png
2. Moustron: Mouse and keyboard usage counter

Some features:
- view distance in Metric system or English system
- Animated background (turn on/off option)
- Support for all monitor sizes
- Stay-on-Top option
- Runs on startup
- Saves distance history
- Easy Setup
- display number of keystrokes
- display number of mouseclicks (left, right, middle and double)
- configurable display options
- Time logging and display in several modes
- Scroll Wheel Support
- Upload your scores online
- Multiple Languages : English, French, German and lots more New in this version
- cursor speed added
3. WhatPulse
Key counting program which monitors the number of keystrokes and mouseclicks, and more recently the distance the mouse moves, that a user makes over a period of time.

>br>>Portal oficial do WhatPulse diz:
>>p>>/p>>p>>/p>p>4. RSIGuard | Software Ergonómico de Ambiente de Trabalho
>>img src="https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b2750bf963eb70727d2417151b763a19.webp">