Casa > C > Como Atualizar O Python 3.6 Para 3.7 No Ubuntu 18.04

Como atualizar o Python 3.6 para 3.7 no Ubuntu 18.04

Para atualizar o Python 3.6 para 3.7 certifique-se de seguir os seguintes passos mencionados

1. Instale o Anaconda para Linux. Vá ao seguinte site para baixar o pacote →Downloads - Anaconda

2. Siga como instalar o pacote usando o seguinte link →Installing no Linux

NOTE:- Certifique-se de baixar a versão do terminal para que você possa instalar o pacote no terminal linux

3. When you’re done with above 2 steps now run the following commands

  1. conda update python 

NOTE:- if you’ve newly install Ubuntu 18.04 then Python will come with version 3.6.5 which will be updated to 3.6.6 when you’ll run the above command. I observed this in my system

4. Run the following command

  1. python3 

Here make sure the Python version shows up 3.6.6. Saia da shell.

5. Run the following command

  1. conda install python=3.7 

Let the installation begin and let the new version to be install.

6. After installation is done run the following command

  1. python3 

Hopefully you get to this.

If in case you don’t get an upgrade, regularly update and upgrade the system and then try to install the new version from 5th step on wards.

De Soll Baille

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