Casa > W > What Does Nds Stand For?

What does NDS stand for?

Nintendo DS

Novell Directory Services

NetWare Directory Services

Nondevelopmental Software

Nintendo Dual Screen (game system)

National Dog Show (various locations)

Notre Dame School (various locations)

Normal Donkey Serum

National Directorate of Security (Afghanistan)

Naturalistic Driving Study (Germany)

Network Dual Head Software

Netscape Directory Server

Nalu Data Source

Network Directory Services

National Disability Strategy (various locations)

New Drug Submission

Novell Directory Service

Natural Drainage System (Seattle, WA)

Native Dynamic SQL (Structured Query Language; Oracle)

National Development Strategy

Neighborhood Development Services (various locations)

New Development Strategy (various meanings)

NPIC (National Photographic Interpretation Center) Data Server

National Defense Stockpile

National Defense Strategy

Nutrition Data System (University of Minnesota)

Network Directory Server (various companies)

National Detention Standards

Near Death Studios, Inc. (game development company)

Non-Degree Studies (various schools)

News Digital Systems

Nokia Data Suite (software)

Nodogsplash (software)

Network Domain Security (3GPP)

Nuclear Detection System

Multidimensional Systems (International Workshop)

Nouvelle Dynamique Syndicale (French: New Dynamic Association; Congo)

NUDET Detection System

Network Data Systems

Neutral Delivery Service (shipping)

Naminoue Driving School (Okinawa, Japan)

Nintendo DS (Dual Screen) Stylus (handheld game console)

National Day of Silence

Northland Design Studies (Australia)

Noritake Dental Supply (Japan)

Nihon Data Skill (Japan)

Nedersassisch (Lower Saxonn, Northern German Dialect)

Named Data Set

Non-Disclosure Statement

Nuclear Detection Satellite

Next Door Savior (book)

Nintendo Developer's System (game system; less common)

Non-Deliverable Software

Neuropsychological Deficit Scale

Network Domain Server

Non-Development Software

Network Distribution Switch

National Movement for Simeon II (Bulgaria; movement to install the former king as PM)

National Disposal Site

National Dioxin Study

NIMA Delivery Segment

NIMA Data System

Navy Directive System

Numa Driving School (Okayama, Japan)

Neutron Discrimination Sensor

Nodal Distribution System

NIMA Delivery Services

Nakano Driving School (Japan)

Navy Data System

Neptune Datasystems

Nalog dlya Dobavlyatelnuyu Stoimost (Russian: Value Added Tax)

Natural Death Surge (increased number of deaths from natural causes)



With Love

-”Senpai” Inku

De Elbring

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