Casa > C > Como Adicionar Um Elemento A Um Arraylist Que Está Em Um Hashmap

Como adicionar um elemento a um arraylist que está em um hashmap

O que você precisa é de um Mapa que tem como chave a Palavra-Chave dos seus dados csv e como valor uma Lista que contém todos os valores Alternativos correspondentes a uma Palavra-Chave.

  1. Map> alternateMap = new HashMap<>(); 

Note that putting a value into a map with a key which is already present in that map will overwrite the previous value. So you have to put the list only the first time you find a new Keyword, i.e. when trying to add an alternative for a keyword, first check whether the corresponding List exists in the map, if not then create a List and put into the map, then add the Alternate to that list.

  1. while(...) { 
  2. String keyword = ...; 
  3. String alternate = ...; 
  4. // check whether the list for keyword is present 
  5. List alternateList = alternateMap.get(keyword); 
  6. if(alternateList == null) { 
  7. alternateList = new ArrayList<>(); 
  8. alternateMap.put(keyword, alternateList); 
  9. alternateList.add(alternate); 
  11. // printing the result 
  12. for(Map.Entry> alternateEntry : alternateMap.entrySet()) { 
  13. System.out.println(alternateEntry.getKey() + ": " +  
  14. alternateEntry.getValue().toString()); 

here ia complete code of mine i hope it will help you

package data;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.Map;

public class ProductInventory


private Map > product;

private ArrayList buildProduct;

private ArrayList > addProduct;

public ProductInventory()


/** Set default values **/

product = new > HashMap();

buildProduct = new ArrayList ();

addProduct = new ArrayList> ();

/** START - Create ArrayList for each item and add to HashMap**/

ArrayList c1 = new ArrayList();

ArrayList c2 = new ArrayList();

c1.add("computer"); c1.add("Apple"); c1.add("iPad2"); c1.add("499.00");

c2.add("computer"); c2.add("Asus"); c2.add("Zenbook"); c2.add("1449.00");

ArrayList tv1 = new ArrayList();

ArrayList tv2 = new ArrayList();

tv1.add("television"); tv1.add("Panasonic"); tv1.add("Viera"); tv1.add("899.00");

tv2.add("television"); tv2.add("Samsung"); tv2.add("Series 6"); tv2.add("1597.00");

ArrayList a1 = new ArrayList();

ArrayList a2 = new ArrayList();

a1.add("audio"); a1.add("Bose"); a1.add("321 GS Series III"); a1.add("999.00");

a2.add("audio"); a2.add("Onkyo"); a2.add("HT-S3400"); a2.add("329.00");

/** END - Create ArrayList for each item and add to HashMap **/

/** Add entrys to HashMap **/








/** For the sake of this example, the productAttribute parameter will be equal to "computer" **/

public void setProducts(String productAttribute)


for (Map.Entry > entry : product.entrySet()) /** Loop through all entrys in the HashMap **/


for (String s: entry.getValue()) /** Loop through all values in HashMap**/


/** Add product attributes **/

if (s.equals(productAttribute)) /** Check to see if param exists in the value set**/


/** Add key to buildProduct ArrayList **/


/*Loop through values of the corresponding key and add to buildProduct*/

for (Iterator i = entry.getValue().iterator(); i.hasNext();)


Object item =;



/** Add buildProduct arrayList to product arrayList **/


break; /** Exit nested loop**/






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