Casa > W > What Would Happen If We Can Move Venus To Earth's Orbit?

What would happen if we can move Venus to Earth's orbit?

Few things would change but that won't make the planet habitable.

First here are few things that we know about Venus.

  • It has a rocky terrain.
  • It's has similar gravity as earth.
  • Its mass is slightly lower but is comparable to earth.
  • It has an atmosphere.
  • It's surface area is almost equal to earth.

Well, the similarities ends here.

  • Planet's Atmosphere is choked with carbon dioxide.
  • Clouds and rain is made of deadly sulphuric acid.
  • The Surface temperature is 460°C (day & night)
  • Surface pressure is 90 Atmospheres (far beyond our endurance)
  • Very little or no water is present in the atmosphere aka vapours

The temperature is same in day and night, because it's not due to sun. It's devido ao dióxido de carbono presente na sua atmosfera que prende o sol's calor.

Existem nuvens e chuva que é feita de ácido sulfúrico que é corrosivo. A chuva nunca atinge realmente a superfície devido à temperatura extrema. Vénus não está na zona dos goldilocks mas não é necessário que todos os planetas na zona dos goldilocks sejam habitáveis.

Pôr Vénus nos goldilocks não vai diminuir muito a temperatura da sua superfície porque ele's principalmente devido ao efeito estufa e o mesmo vale para a pressão e a atmosfera corrosiva.

De Klayman Gaser

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