Casa > H > How To Install The Full Version Of Parrot Security Os On Android

How to install the full version of Parrot Security OS on Android

  • Hey, Today I’m going to tell you about How you can Install Parrot OS on Android. Parrot Os is the most popular and wide used for Hacking.
  • It works similar to the Kali Linux and it also currently competitive with the Kali Right Now.
  • You need good Hardware specs for using the Kali Linux but on Parrot, it runs on very fewer Hardware specs and gives you the faster response on your task. So, Lets Start…

You need these minimum Requirements to Install it:

  • At least 1 GB RAM
  • 2 GB Free Space on Your Phone Storage
  • Android OS up to 5.0 Lollipop
  • Need to spend time 30 minute

These Three Apps are Needed to be Installed on Your Phone:

  • Termux
  • VNC Viewer
  • AnLinux

Now, Follow the steps of installing the Parrot OS on Android

1. Open the Termux app and Update the Installed Packages by typing the command:

apt-get update

2. Upgrade the Previous Installed Packages typing the command and Press Y if ask:

apt-get upgrade

3. Now, Open the AnLinux app Choose your distro Parrot Security OS in-app

4. You’ll see a Copy button there… Click on it.

5. Now, After Copied Click on the Launch button.

6. It will Open You the Termux app Paste the Copied command there then hit Enter.

7. Now, wait until the installation Finish.

8. Launch the Parrot OS using the command:


Here You have Done the Installation In Parrot OS.

Install the Desktop Environment In Parrot OS

So, you can easy to use the GUI version of Parrot OS…

  • First of all, you have to Open the AnLinux app and then click on Menu.
  • Click on Desktop Environment
  • Choose your Distro: Parrot Security OS
  • Now Choose the Desktop Environment: Xfce4 (Recomendado)
  • Click on Copy and Paste the command in the Termux app while you are running the Parrot OS.
  • Depois de digitar: Y e aperte Enter (if ask)
  • >li> espera até que o Download seja finalizado (leva de 15 a 20min)
  • Depois de Finish ele irá pedir a você o layout da palavra-chave Apenas aperte 1 e aperte Enter (para inglês US)
  • li> Agora, Ele irá dizer a você para criar uma senha escolha sua senha (Você não será capaz de ver a senha)>li>>li> Ele irá dizer a você para verificar apenas Digite novamente a senha e aperte Enterli>li> Tudo definido... Basta lançar o aplicativo VNC Viewer e adicionar uma nova conexão.
  • In Address type: localhost:5901
  • In Name Escolha qualquer nome aleatório da sua etiqueta de Conexão e Crie
  • Depois de Criada Clique sobre ela. Agora, ele lhe pedirá a Senha
  • li> Digite a Senha que você escolheu antes e clique em OK

p>É isso por hoje... Se você tiver alguma pergunta e dúvida, basta fazê-la no comentário abaixo.

Note: If it won’t ask you to choose Keyboard Layout or Password then you have to reinstall the Termux app and Follow the installation process again.

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De Lacey Ridgle

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