Casa > W > What Are Currently The Most Powerful Pokémon Available In Pokémon Go?

What are currently the most powerful Pokémon available in Pokémon GO?

As every Pokemon has its own weakness; it’s really hard to choose the most powerful ones.

I’m writing this based on the highest CP a Pokemon could have in Pokemon Go — excluding legendaries.

Before giving out the values, let me explain the 3 stats that make up a Pokemon’s CP.

Attack - The higher Attack value your Pokemon has, the more damage can be done to the opponent’s Pokemon.

Defense - The higher the Defence value, your Pokemon takes less damage.

Stamina - Stamina is directly related to Pokemon’s HP. The higher its stamina, the higher its HP will be.

Based on the aforementioned stats, here are the 6 Powerful Pokemons so far:

#6 Vaporean

  • MAX CP - 2816
  • Base Attack - 186
  • Base Defense - 168
  • Base Stamina - 260

#5 Exeggutor

  • MAX CP - 2955
  • Base Attack - 232
  • Base Defense - 164
  • Base Stamina - 190

#4 Lapras

  • MAX CP - 2980
  • Base Attack - 186
  • Base Defense - 190
  • Base Stamina - 260

#3 Arcanine

  • MAX CP - 2983
  • Base Attack - 230
  • Base Defense - 180
  • Base Stamina - 180

#2 Snorlax

  • MAX CP - 3112
  • Base Attack - 180
  • Base Defense - 180
  • Base Stamina - 320

#1 Dragonite

  • MAX CP - 3500
  • Base Attack - 250
  • Base Defense - 212
  • Base Stamina - 182

In case you’re wondering to check the stats of a particular Pokemon, visit the following link — Pokemon | Pokemon Go

Good luck in finding them!

De Aluin Fahringer

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