Casa > Q > Qual É A Diferença Entre Uma Plataforma Vr E Um Motor Vr?

Qual é a diferença entre uma plataforma VR e um motor VR?

Um motor VR (normalmente um motor de jogo que suporta VR) vive no topo de uma plataforma VR. Os Game Engines podem suportar múltiplas plataformas VR.

A plataforma VR fornece:

  1. Um Kit de Desenvolvimento de Software que dá ao Game Engine acesso aos sensores do headset.
  2. Uma camada de composição que fornece recursos como "Chaperone" ou "Guardian" que ajudam as pessoas a evitar correr para dentro de seus móveis, e recursos como "Asynchronous Space Warp" que ajudam as experiências VR a manter uma taxa de quadros suave.
  3. A store where users can purchase VR experiences without leaving VR.
  4. A matchmaking service where users can find people to play games with or join social experiences without leaving VR.

A Game Engine provides:

  1. An easy way for developers to support VR hardware without having to learn how the underlying platform SDK works, and without needing deep knowledge of the specifics of the graphics APIs that are used by various Operating Systems and devices.
  2. Streamlined design patterns for developing 3D content that helps keep projects organized.
  3. An easy way for developers to support multiple VR platforms with a single code base.
  4. Unity and Unreal now have features that allow developers to build VR experiences while actually wearing the headset and experiencing the environments in VR.

Examples of Game Engines:

  1. Unity 3D
  2. Unreal Engine 4
  3. CryEngine
  4. Frostbite

Examples of VR Platforms:

  1. SteamVR
  2. Oculus SDK/Oculus Home/Samsung Gear VR Powered by Oculus
  3. Windows Holographic
  4. Google VR (Daydream)
  5. PlayStation VR

De Francesca

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