Casa > W > Which Is Better, A Pc Or A Video Game Console?

Which is better, a PC or a video game console?

That depends on your needs and wants. To keep this answer unbiased I'll just list pros and cons of both console and PC.



  • Free online
  • Has more games than console
  • Graphics are better.
  • Controls are better than console controls for most games.
  • Change graphical settings for most games just in case your computer isnt up to par with the game.
  • Stronger than a console depending what computer you have.
  • You can use a gaming laptop and use it for travel.


  • If you want to have good graphics on a computer, you may need to buy a decent computer and may be expensive depending on your budget.
  • Need to be familiar with computer parts in order to know what you're getting.
  • Cant upgrade a gaming laptop.



  • Has console exclusives.
  • Doesn't require much to play. Plug and play
  • Good graphics.
  • Easy to get into
  • No need to upgrade the console.


  • Pay online
  • Most console games are capped at 60 fps which is fine but its possible for some games to drop below that and increase input lag.
  • Have to buy the next iteration of the console if you want to upgrade as oppose to PC where you just change the parts.
  • Does not allow keyboard and mouse support as far as I am aware of. Even with an adapter that is considered cheating to most console players.
  • Less games compared to PC.

De Jarlath

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