Quais são alguns exemplos de competição intraespecífica e competição interespecífica?
Interações intra e inter-específicas são muito comuns em nosso meio.
Interação intraespecífica:
- Take a handful of mustard seeds and sow them in a pot and water them regularly, provide all the required conditions for them to germinate.
- Almost all the seeds would germinate but all of them may not turn into plants.
- This is due to the competition among the seedlings for space, water, nutrients, and sunlight.
- This type of interaction between the members of the same species for shelter, nutrients is called intraspecific interaction.
Interação Inespecífica:
- Imagine a cow and a horse on a piece of grassland.
- Both of them belong to different species but compete for the same grass (food).
- This type of interaction is called interspecific interaction.