Quantas cordas tem um violoncelo?


Um violoncelo tem quatro cordas.


Um violoncelo (violoncelo) tem quatro cordas: A, D, G, C.


From left to right, the C, G, D, and A strings of the cello.

The C string is the lowest (and largest in diameter/thickness) string of the cello. When played as an open note, it produces a C2 with a frequency of about 65.41 Hz.

The G string is the second lowest string. When played as an open note, it produces a G2 with a frequency of about 98Hz.

The D string is the second highest string. When played as an open note, it produces a D3 with a frequency of about 146.8Hz.

The A string is the highest (and smallest in diameter/thickness) string. When played as an open note, it produces an A3 with a frequency of about 220Hz.