Casa > H > How To Run The Internet On Kali Linux In The Vmware Player

How to run the internet on Kali Linux in the VMware player

It looks like the problem is you don't have eth0 enabled and setup. Use which ever text editor you like and add the below code into the /etc/network/interfaces file.

u can do it by using nano /etc/network/interfaces

  1. # The primary network interface 
  2. auto eth0 
  3. allow-hotplug eth0 
  4. iface eth0 inet dhcp 

This will enable the interface eth0 and set it to dhcp to automatically get an IP address. If you want a static IP you can use the following:

  1. # The primary network interface 
  2. auto eth0 
  3. allow-hotplug eth0 
  4. iface eth0 inet static 
  5. address  
  6. netmask (probably 
  7. broadcast (get this from your host, on windows its default gateway) 

After you get that done run sudo service networking restart and try again. Se isso não ajudar na reinicialização.

Também, se você alguma vez usar o live-cd do kali, execute um: "ifconfig eth0 up" iniciará o adaptador de rede local (na hora, se você quiser). O mesmo vale para wifi (wlan0). Espero que isto o ajude :)

De Humph

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