Casa > W > What Are Examples Of Nepotism In Cricket?

What are examples of nepotism in cricket?

There are many examples of related players in history of cricket. Some of them which I know


Mohinder and Surinder Amarnath - s/o Lala Amarnath

MAK Pataudi - s/o Ifthikar Ali Khan Pataudi (Nawab of Pataudi)

Sanjay manjarekar - s/o Vijay manjarekar

Chetan Sharma -nephew of Yashpal sharma

Rohan Gavaskar - S/o Sunil Gavaskar

Stuart Binny - s/o Roger Binny

Aniruddha Srikant - s/o Kris srikanth

Anurag Thakur - s/o Himachal CM Prem Kumar Dhumal

Tejasvi Yadav - s/o Lalu Prasad yadav ( believe me his profile in Cricinfo says he's middle Oder batsmen )

Udit Patel - s/o Brijesh Patel, former cricketer

Arjun Tendulkar - s/o of you know who ?( it's pretty early to judge him )


Imam ul haq - nephew of Inzamam up haq

Faisal Iqbal - nephew of Javed Miandad

Shoaib Mohammed - s/o of legendary Hanif mohammed


Shaun and Mitchell marsh - s/o Geoffrey Marsh


Nick Compton - grand son of legend Dennis Compton

Stuart Broad - s/o Chris Broad

South Africa

Shaun Pollock - s/o Peter Pollock and nephew of Legendary Graeme Pollock

New Zealand

Doug Bracewell - s/o Brendon Bracewell and nephew of John Bracewell (Both Doug and John were the the only bowlers from a family to dismiss Sachin )

Tom Latham - s/o Rodney Latham

West Indies

M.Nagamootoo - nephew of West Indian legends Rohan Kanhai and Alvin Kallicharan

Nepotism exists at all levels of Cricket matches. However when it comes to national team you will not be playing forever unless you show performance and display your skills .

You can divide the players into these categories

  1. People like Anurag Thakur , Tejasvi Yadav and Udit Patel had no skills at all. Eles apenas jogavam críquete por diversão e com a ajuda de seus pais influentesli>li>Jogadores como M.Nagamooto, Anirudha Srikanth, Stuart Binny e Rohan Gavaskar que falharam mesmo depois de suas chances devido a seus pais e tios influentesli>Jogadores como Faisal Iqbal, Shaun Marsh, Nick Compton e Doug Bracewell que têm boas habilidades e grande potencial. Eles não'não são seleccionados para jogar na selecção nacional devido a desempenhos inconsistentes e ao seu lugar ocupado por melhores jogadores>li>Jogadores como Stuart Broad e Shaun Pollock que provaram a sua selecção para a selecção nacional através de desempenhos consistentes

Cheers and peace out !!

De Ernestine

Porque não pode o críquete prevalecer sobre o futebol em países europeus como Espanha, Itália, Alemanha, França, etc.? :: Posso jogar críquete depois dos 30 anos de idade?